Sunday, October 18, 2009

Well I have been wanting to start a blog for quite a while now. I truly enjoy reading others and love to keep up on pictures of kids that I may not see often (Levi and Abby for example) and feel like I am still part of their lives, even though I am far away.

Jake calls me a voyeur, but I tell him if they don't want anyone to read it, they wouldn't put it out there for people to see. He still thinks I am crazy. For lots of reasons, but I won't go into that.

A blog that I found by accident that has inspired me so much , is the NieNie dialogues. Then she was on Oprah not too long ago, and I felt like I was watching my friend on TV! (Don't even get me started on what Jake had to say about that!!) I also love this cooking one called my kitchen cafe and I like the money saving ones that have coupons and deals. I went through a stage going crazy with coupons. Jake knew I had a problem when I would leave the house at 10pm to go to Albertsons because the coupon expired that day. He was very good about standing back and letting me realize that I had a problem. I still clip the coupons and read the sites... just with caution now. I know my limits.
I am excited to learn this new way of journaling, and hope to get J'Lee involved too. She already wants her own email address. I didn't have an email address at 7 1/2. Oh wait there was no such thing. Have I mentioned that I am old?

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Ok maybe I shouldn't use my real name but some code name so I don't appear to totally be stalking your blog. But you know how fun it is! And someone has to leave comments until your friend on Oprah catches wind of your blog... Anyway, SO excited that you are up and running! An email at 71/2? Seriously, girl, we were lucky to know our home address that early much less have an email! And yes, I'm old too:) Love you!
